Tuesday, February 14, 2023

List Of Articles

The Early Christians Opposed Infant Baptism
C. I Scofield (1843 – 1921) On Eternal Rewards
How the Galatian Church Proves That True Believers Can Apostatize
Watchman Nee (1903-1972): Every Believer Can Have Assurance
The Case For Baptism By Immersion
Debunking Transubstantiation 
A Sola Scriptura Defense Of Divine Simplicity
History of Free Grace Theology
Where Does The Bible Affirm Libertarian Free Will?
Augustine (354 – 430): The Pericope (John 7:53-8:11) Was Removed From The Manuscripts On Purpose
Short Defense Of The Masoretic Text
A Shocking Discovery! The Early Calvinists Did Not Teach Lordship Salvation
Case for The Pretribulational Rapture
Grace Is Not An Excuse To Sin
20 Biblical Verses To Teach Eternal Security
The Early Christians Did Not Pray To Saints
The Early Christians Did Not Believe In The Papacy
What Greek Version Did The Apostolic Fathers Quote? Part 2: Didache and Barnabas
What Greek Version Did The Apostolic Fathers Quote? Part 1: Polycarp
How The Bible Itself Tells Us The Canon
KJV only? Modern versions? Majority text? Textual Positions explained
Where Does The Bible Affirm Libertarian Free Will?
Strongest Texts For Free Grace Theology
R. B. Thieme (1918 – 2009): On Eternal Security
Errors And Heresies Taught By John McArthur
The Gospel Of Salvation
History Of Free Grace Theology (Updated)
Earliest Manuscripts Of The Byzantine Text
A Defense Of The Pericope Adulterae (John 7:53—8:11)
Short Criticism Of The Perpetual Virginity Of Mary
Did Anyone Teach Dispensational Doctrines Before Darby?

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 I decided to move my work unto another url, this is because due to much more study I would like to reform much of how these articles are wr...