Friday, February 17, 2023

List Of Doctrines I Believe In


List of Doctrines I Believe In

Trinitarianism (God is one in essence three in persons):
Eternal generation (The Father eternally begets the Son)
Filioque (The Father and the Son breathe forth the Holy Spirit)
Classical trinitarianism (God has one will and energy)
Divine simplicity (God's attributes are identical to God "God is love")
Hypostatic union (Christ had two natures, one human one divine)
Dyothelitism (Christ had a human will along with a divine will)
Moderate Dispensationalism (Israel and the church are distinct)
Free grace theology (Salvation is only dependent upon faith, works are not post or pre-conditions of salvation)
Provisionism (Humans are able to respond to the gospel)
Partial depravity
Conditional election
Resistible grace
Eternal security
Universal atonement
Byzantine priority (The majority Greek text is closest to the original)
Credobaptism (Believer's baptism)
Memorialism (The Supper is symbolic)
Congregationalism (Congregational polity)
Sola fide
Sola scriptura
Sola gratia
Soli Deo gloria
Solus Christus
Priesthood of the believer
Young Earth Creationism

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