Monday, April 24, 2023

Robert Sandeman (1718 - 1771) An Early Free Grace Theologian

Portrait of Sandeman
 Robert Sandeman was a non-conformist theologian in the 18th century, he started the "Sandemanian" movement, which was often called "antinomian" (as an insult) due to his belief that faith alone, not love nor sorrow are necessary for salvation. Sandeman said that he believed "bare" faith is sufficient to be saved, this might be to distinguish his view from the classical Reformed view of "sola fide", but I do not know. 

Sandeman however defined faith as mere persuasion of the gospel, while some in the Free Grace camp would agree with that (Wilkins, Hodges), many do not, holding that faith is trust in the person and work of Jesus Christ (including me). Despite that, both can agree that Sandeman being clear that turning from sin, love for God and good works cannot be asserted into the gospel is commendable.

Quotes from Sandeman on Free Grace

No, we must either take the one side or the other. Either Christ has done everything God requires to procure acceptance with Him and relieve the wretched conscience of its guilt, or He has not. This is why my plea with Aspasio in this respect proceeds upon this cardinal question: what is the turning point from despair toward hope?

The popular preachers are not so insensible that the absurdity would appear too glaring should they directly oppose the apostolic order; therefore, instead of plainly establishing the reverse, they choose rather to throw the apostolic order into confusion and cover it with mist, so as the cheat may not readily be discerned. For they always do their business most successfully in the dark.  They so confound the distinction betwixt faith and love that it is difficult to say what fixed uniform notion they have of either

In vain shall we consult catechisms, confessions, and other publicly authorized standards of doctrine for direction here. These are framed by the wisdom of the scribes, and disputers of this world. We can receive no true light about this matter, but from the fountainhead of true knowledge, the sacred oracles of divine revelation.... Thence it will appear, that justification comes from bare faith. As a Christian, What’s his faith, the spring of all his hope? And he answers you in a word, The blood of Christ.2

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